AJ Drenda

Dr Aga J. Drenda is a fantasy critic who specialises in fantastic narratology and the contemporary fantasy genre. She has received an MA in Critical Methodologies from King’s College London (2007) and a PhD in Fantasy Literature from Anglia Ruskin University (2017). The latter focused on fictional magic and world-building in fantasy literature published from 1970 to 2010, and she is currently working on a subsequent academic book The Anatomy of Magic.

Aga is a reviewer, editor, and a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP). She is Book Reviews Editor at Fantasy/Animation.org, and has previously taught Media, Popular Culture and Publishing at Middlesex University (2009–2019).

Visit Aga’s academia website or follow her on Twitter.



Review of Christopher G. White’s Other Worlds: Spirituality and the Search for Invisible Dimensions (2018) for SFRA Review, forthcoming in late 2020.

Review of Douglas E. Cowan’s Magic, Monsters, and Make-Believe Heroes: How Myth and Religion Shape Fantasy Culture (2019) for Fafnir: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 60-63. Available here.

‘Fiction Calls: The Critic Responds’, Review of Paul Kincaid’s Call and Response (2014) for Extrapolation, 2018, Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press, Vol. 59, Issue 1. Available here.

‘Geralt of Rivia: The Old and New Hero in Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher Cycle’ in New Directions in European Fantastic (2012), Coelsch: Universitatsverlag.