Saturday 23 March: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, CB1 1PT
The late Ursula K Le Guin was the most significant science fiction and fantasy writer of her generation. A novelist, poet, essayist, and polemicist, her ground-breaking writing spanned space and time, taking readers on voyages of discovery to new worlds and better ways of living.
This panel celebrate the life and works of Le Guin. They explore the scientific and social scientific inspirations for her work, which drew on physics, biology, anthropology, and environmentalism to imagine new worlds, new species, and the original school for wizards. There will, of course, be dragons.
Participants include:
• Space scientist, storyteller, and advocate for women in STEM, Dr Ghina M. Halabi
• Le Guin expert, Robert Jones
• Academic and New York Times bestselling writer, Dr Una McCormack
• Writer, editor and critic, Graham Sleight
• Academic, broadcaster, and Costa Award winning writer, Francis Spufford
“Ursula Le Guin”by jimculp@live.com / ProRallyPix is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0