We are offering the opportunity for a non-UK based speculative fiction writer to spend a week in residence at Anglia Ruskin University’s Centre for Science Fiction and Fantasy (20/10/18 – 27/10/18).
The role would suit a non-UK based writer working in science fiction or fantasy at any stage of their career who is interested in sharing their ideas with researchers, practitioners and students.
We will liaise with the successful resident to draw up an appropriate programme of activities which would not exceed ten contact hours over the course of the week and might include:
- Running or presenting at seminars to students studying courses in SF and creative writing
- Giving a public lecture
- Mentoring sessions
- Contributing to a panel presentation at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas
- Contributing to videotaped resources to be used by students at the Centre for Science Fiction and Fantasy.
- Contributing a blog or editorial to be published on the Centre for Science Fiction and Fantasy website/Samovar.
The Resident need not be writing creatively in English, although a good understanding of English and ability to communicate in the language is essential.
Residency Details
What’s included in the residency:
- Accommodation in a centrally located hotel or B&B in Cambridge and subsistence up to a maximum of £2000.
- Travel including UK transfers up to a maximum of £500
Selection Process
Selection will be carried out by the directors of the Centre for Science Fiction and Fantasy and will include interview by telephone or Skype. We will also require evidence of published writing.
Key dates:
Deadline for applications: August 10, 2018
It is anticipated that Skype interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place 28-31 August.
Successful candidate must confirm, and submit photo and bio for promotional material by September 10, 2018.
How to apply
Applications should be sent in English to Professor Sarah Brown, sarah.brown@anglia.ac.uk.
Applications should include:
- A biography (up to 400 words)
- Links to two pieces of published work (if available in English)
- A letter of application which should address the following (in no more than 800 words):
- Why are you applying for this residency and how will it benefit your work
- A proposed outline of activities for the week
- Any previous experience of professional international creative writing residencies
Please confirm that you are available during the specified period of the residency and that you will be able to obtain funding to cover any travel costs not covered by the allowances detailed in the further particulars.
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